Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 6 (session 15)

Today, I am writing about some articles that talk about how libraries should deal with web 2.0 technology...


This article is a general coverage of how libraries should react to web 2.0. I agree with the point about "techno-lust" - sometimes I think we need to be careful to only embrace parts of the new technology that are relevant to what we want to do. For example, the library shouldn't have a twitters account just to seem up-to-date and should only set-up things like that if they allow us to serve our patrons better.


I found the part about increasing user education quite relevant. I guess librarians will deal more in trying to help people access all the information that is out there digitally, so it won't just be a case of pointing people towards the right shelf of books. At the same time, I hope we don't rush too quickly into filling the whole library with computers because I feel some patrons are already disappointed with the decreasing amount of books on display. It'll be a while before everyone wants to read on their computers, tablets, etc


I liked the idea of libraries working together. It makes more sense for libraries to share information digitally rather than through the effort involved in inter-loans. It's also good that libraries create their own areas/databases of information, because the internet overall is such a massive swamp of questionable information (where it's hard to be sure of the "facts" that you are finding).

Okay, looks like that's all for Week 6...

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